

Performance Support

Contextual Help



Questions and Answers

Whatever questions you have about our training solutions, working with us, Instructional Design, IT training in general, or whatever we're here for you.

If we don't have the answers for you, we'll answer them for you if you send us a message. We will do our best to answer your question and if it's not a unique question to you, we'll likely post it here.

This will become a place for not only questions and answers but frequently asked questions (FAQ). We could have named it that to start but let's face it, nobody's asking these questions that much because you don't know what you don't know. That's why we're here! To answer your questions and help your IT projects succeed in the rest of your organization.

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The Questions And Answers

We're here to help answer your questions about our IT training solutions. But we're also here to answer any questions you have at all about training, especially for training employees about projects your IT department is deploying.

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