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Digital Training Portfolio

Much of the work we do is developed for internal use inside prominent organizations. We design and develop it for them and they own it. We've also created some examples specifically to show you a little of what we're capable of for digital training projects.

You can see those examples below and if you'd like to see more, schedule a call with us to see examples of our work.

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Training Examples We Can Share

While we can't share many of our courses and other training content, we developed a few things specifically so you can see some examples of what we can do for you. Managing change is difficult but good training can help. Check out these examples of good digital training content that helps employees use the systems that IT deploys.

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CRM Showdown: Making Informed Recommendations in Real-World Scenarios

This is a simple text-based microlearning course that focuses on a scenario where you have to make decisions. You learn about two different fictitious CRMs and then must help several "clients" make a decision for what CRM is the best choice for them.

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Make Documents More Accessible By Adding Alt Text In Microsoft Word

We created this video just so you could see an example of the type of training video we can develop to help train employees for your next IT project launch.

You can learn about the process we went through to create the video including seeing the storyboard we designed for the visuals and audio. Then you can watch the final video and see how it all turned out.

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Common Windows Keyboard Shortcuts Quick Reference Guide

Simple training documents can sometimes be the most effective. Employees can't possibly remember everything in a course.

That's why these types of documents help as a nice reminder when the need arises. So, important knowledge that's used regularly should be in a course with documents like this that support it.

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12 Ways To Make Your Microsoft Word Document Accessible Microlearning

This is a short microlearning course with the goal of introducing you to the basics of making Microsoft Word documents accessible.

The course is built with 7taps and is accessible from computers and mobile devices alike. It's the ideal quick hit of information that's helpful yet not overwhelming making it easy to learn new information.

Give it a try!

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12 Ways To Make Your Microsoft Word Documents Accessible

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Schedule A Meeting To See More Examples In Our Portfolio

You saw some of the examples we created for you. If you want to see a bit more, such as some custom eLearning courses and more, schedule a time so we can show you examples we can't post publicly online but we can show you personally.