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Custom eLearning Development

Take your eLearning project to the next level by working with a top eLearning company that provides you with turnkey customized eLearning solutions to help people perform better. That’s right, we’re experts in the science of learning and are on the cutting edge of effective training design.

Our proven process ensures we create solid and effective eLearning that packs more effective learning into less time. Our specialty is eLearning simulations for software but we're also quite skilled at making all types of eLearning relevant and engaging.

Schedule a free consultation with the corporate technical eLearning experts.

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Why you should work with us for your custom eLearning development

We’re experienced in creating custom eLearning for many different industries and topics. Our specialty and where we really excel is technical eLearning including custom software simulations and corporate IT eLearning.

Schedule a free consultation with us anytime to ask questions or get professional instructional design & eLearning guidance.

And here’s why you should be working with us yesterday.

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Responsive To a Flaw

It’s almost like we don’t sleep (but I assure you we do). Our team is 100% based in the United States and we’re extremely responsive.

Your questions won’t be hanging for days or weeks. In most cases, you’ll receive a response within 24 hours or less.

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Decades of Experience

With over a decade of honing our skills in developing eLearning for large companies, we’re skilled and experienced at corporate digital learning. Not to mention the experts at techstructional have done work in technology for more than three decades.

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Performance First

Maximize learning value with our unyielding focus on performance. We understand that performance is the key to unlocking true learning potential and value for your organization.

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Tie Learning to Business Goals

Without tying learning goals to business goals there is less value in training. We recognize the vital importance of aligning training with your department and business goals.

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Where Science Meets Creativity

How adults learn is a science, and we keep up with the research to make sure we do training right. Our team crafts realistic and immersive learning experiences with scenarios and simulations in a safe environment to fail and learn.

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Less Time, Uncompromised Learning

Employee time is valuable and shouldn’t be wasted. We get it which is why every eLearning solution we develop is streamlined to provide just what’s necessary to acquire crucial skills for success without ever compromising the depth and quality of learning.

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Seamless Scaling

We take pride in crafting eLearning solutions that are not only effective but also scalable. No matter if you need to train 500 or 50,000, the value and effectiveness we bake into every tailor-made learning program scales seamlessly.

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Why Your Training Should Be eLearning

Training is an essential part of having successful and effective employees with low turnover. Companies are at the mercy of inefficiency, waste, and unhappy employees without a well-trained workforce.

Instructor-led and other more traditional methods of training (end even some video training) aren’t the best solutions for many training problems. One of the best ways to train a modern and/or distributed workforce is eLearning.

These are some reasons eLearning is the best training solution for most corporate IT training.

  • More efficient than in-person or even virtual instructor-led training.
  • Allow everyone to go at their own pace and revisit as necessary.
  • Opportunities for hands-on experience in a realistic & safe environment.
  • More engaging for everyone and less reliant on one person to engage others.
  • A consistent and complete learning experience for every employee.
  • Train essential info only while increasing the chance of retention.

Of course, not all eLearning developers can achieve these benefits. That’s why it’s essential to work with one of the top eLearning development companies in the training industry, techstructional!

What happens if we train our employees and they leave?

What happens if we don't and they stay?

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Some Elements We Use to Craft Successful eLearning

More is not necessarily better, but we have many ways to make engaging and relevant eLearning for your project. While we can do a lot in self-paced courses, more isn't always better. That's why we work hard to make the right custom eLearning solution for you to achieve effective, valuable, relevant, and engaging eLearning.


The more realistic, the easier it is for employees to apply learned skills to the job. Simulating software to the point it's like being in the real thing with real scenarios is our goal.


We want to connect what your employees are learning with the work they do. Realistic scenarios and branching scenarios help accomplish this by connecting learning to the work.


Video (including training videos) is a popular way to communicate short and focused messages. Just look at YouTube! When it adds value, video can help explain complex topics in less time and more effectively.


No course can be successful without a healthy dose of interactivity. We're not talking about clicking play and next. Quality interactivity in eLearning is about scenarios, decision-making, deep thinking, and activities.


When helpful, games contribute by increasing engagement and fun. That is if a game is applied when relevant and helpful rather than tacked on haphazardly. We only use games when they're the right way to help employees learn and perform better.


Assessments can be a great way to reinforce or evaluate learning when done properly. That is if it's not endless multiple-choice questions that frustrate and trick employees. We only do assessments with purpose when they benefit employees or the organization.

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eLearning Questions and Answers

We tried to predict some of the common questions you might have about custom eLearning development and preemptively answer them.

If you have a question not here, check out the general questions and answers, or contact us to ask your own question.

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See Some Of The eLearning We've Developed

We've developed hundreds of custom eLearning for technical and non-technical projects. We've helped thousands of employees learn and perform better. We've shaved millions of hours off corporate training while helping employees perform better with new software, procedures, and skills.